
Paradise on Earth

This post is going to be far shorter than it could be, simply because the subject - our trip up the Danube river, is wholly beyond what written words describe. There truly is nothing that can compare to our experience, and I would say confidently that everyone should do this at least once in their life.

We picked up the ferry (a larger boat complete with two decks of restaurants as well as two outside decks) in Krems, a small industrial town at one end of the Wachau region of the Danube. We had three and a half hours before reaching Melk, stopping at a few towns along the way. The first hour and a half we were absolutely beside ourselves - we couldn't think of more than one or two places in the world that we had see that were as beautiful as this. We ran from side to side of the back outer deck of the boat, snapping pictures, pointing and saying "wow!" more times than I could count. Beautiful, forested rolling hills lined each side of the river, which was a deep, beautiful green (I think.) Interspersed through the forest, very small, old towns, castles, outposts and houses dotted the landscape. Utterly breathtaking.

After the first hour and a half, all we could do was sit back and soak in our surroundings. We stopped taking photos (we probably have over a hundred just from there,) and became enraptured - sipping a beer and smiling peacefully. By the time we got off, we decided not to do any of the sightseeing we were planning in Melk, because nothing could have topped our journey. So instead, we popped into a cozy restaurant and had an amazing apple strudel (Austria is famous for it) and mouth-watering wiener-schnitzel (not like the fast food in America - they're breaded veal or pork cutlets - wiener really just means "from Vienna".) It was the perfect end to a perfect day on the river. I really can't describe it any better than that.

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